What Gulf Coast Congressman Gene Taylor wanted the Easter Bunny to bring him.
South Mississippi Living 4/07

Monday, May 28, 2007

Tell Your Katrina Story!

Tell Your Katrina Story!

Katrina's aftermath lives on and on for those of us in Katrina Land. So too do our stories. Surviving the storm was the first step in this long journey to the place many call home. A.M. in the Morning! wants your first hand accounts of life today. Who are you, and what is your story?

Survived Katrina and wanting to return? Rebuilding your life? Here at A.M. in the Morning!, we want to hear what you have to share. Whether it's how you survived the storm itself or how you’re surviving the storm’s aftermath, whether its sad or funny, whether its about being here or trying to get back home, this is the space to tell your story.

After Katrina, perhaps you were one of the many who dropped everything in your life to come down or come over to help. Where did you come from, and what inspired you to come? What did you hope to find, and what did you find when you got here? How has the experience impacted you and others in your life? The area is as good as it is because of you, so please, share with us your story!

This is the place to moan and groan, gripe and hype about whatever is happening—good and not so good—in your Katrina-impacted life.

Just post your story in the comment section below and title your story! Or send it to me via email and I'll upload it.

Please following the following steps for posting your Katrina story at A.M. in the Morning!

1. A.M. in the Morning! (that would be yours truly) reserves the right to edit or delete posts as she (again, that would be yours truly) deems appropriate.
2. Sarcasm and humor is great. Vile profanity is not. Email if you can't figure out the difference.
4. No advertising.
5. Email your photos with your stories to for uplinking together.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that local employers, merchants,and landlords understand that our local economy depends on a largely middle class workforce, and that these are the people who are being driven out by a combination of higher living costs,(rent,gasoline,insurance rates,food prices),and stagnant wages.
If we want the local economy to thrive we need AFFORDABLE housing
and yes, it may have to be in YOUR neighborhood.
Employers might also want to stop concentrating on their bottom line,and consider the long term benefits of a WELL PAID and INSURED work force, resulting in less employee turn-over, retraining, and consequently, more knowledgeable and experienced workers.