What Gulf Coast Congressman Gene Taylor wanted the Easter Bunny to bring him.
South Mississippi Living 4/07

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Taylor Features Insurance Reform on Campaign Website

Congressman Gene Taylor (D-MS) has recently launched his re-election campaign website, an interactive website that includes an entire section devoted to Insurance Reform.

It’s one-stop shopping for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the importance of and issues involved with insurance reform, particularly as it pertains to the recovery of the Katrina-ravaged region as well as states up the eastern and along the western coast.

Back in August, Congressman Gene Taylor (D-MS) held an Insurance Reform Town Hall Meeting in his (and my) hometown of Bay St. Louis, Miss., one of three tiny beach towns that comprise Katrina's ground zero. Nine other congressional leaders—including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC)—attended the standing room only event. Taylor's site includes six video excerpts from the standing room only meeting.

One video features Taylor explaining in everyday language the controversial "concurrent causation" clause that is buried in homeowner policies, the clause that insurance companies have used to deny homeowners' claims for wind-related damages to their properties. The five remaining video excerpts cover the "panelists [who] regaled the congressional delegation and audience with one after another nightmare of dealing with Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath."

The site also features another set of four videos excerpts from Taylor's interview with Kevin Davis, a two-part documentary titled "Katrina Revisited: In Their Own Words," part of which aired on KEYT-TV, an ABC affiliate in Santa Barbara, California. Taylor discusses what prompted him to propose the Multiple Peril Insurance legislation and how American families and businesses benefit greatly from having one policy, one premium, one adjuster for flood and wind damage to property.

Taylor discusses what prompted him to propose the Multiple Peril Insurance legislation and how American families and businesses benefit greatly from having one policy, one premium, one adjuster for flood and wind damage to property.

Taylor's re-election website provides plenty of news articles and editorials. Lastly, the site explains in easy-to-understand language critical components to the insurance reform discussion.

The website address is easy to remember:

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