What Gulf Coast Congressman Gene Taylor wanted the Easter Bunny to bring him.
South Mississippi Living 4/07

Monday, December 03, 2007

Urgent Message from Levees.Org

December 3, 2007

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has convened a special committee to examine allegations that their administration helped the US Army Corps of Engineers cover up the Corps' mistakes in the New Orleans flooding.

These serious allegations are about public safety in New Orleans and nationwide.

Click here and demand a speedy investigation and the results be made public!

It does not serve the American people to keep issues of public safety and government policy behind closed doors.

Click to add your signature to a letter to the ASCE president.

Thank you!
Sandy Rosenthal
Executive Director, Levees.Org

Want to do more? You can direct any engineers you know to this website, and ask them to sign on or take the poll.

P.S. Two years ago today on this very day, we launched our website Since then we have hosted 133,827 unique visitors!

Here's why you should sign.....

Dr. Ray Seed recently submitted an ethics complaint to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) detaling an early intentional plan by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Dept of Defense to:

1. sabotage the independent investigations by U of Cal Berkeley and LSU;
2. intimidate those who tried to intervene;
3. limit the scope of the official Corps-sponsored levee investigation; and
4. delay the release of its findings until the public's attention had turned elsewhere.

All of this was done with the help and the complicity of some in the ASCE. Dr. Seed, a well known and highly credible source, has risked his career to come forward with no expectation of personal gain.

An editorial in the New Orleans Times-Picayune calls these charges "deeply troubling" and says they "deserve serious attention."

You can download a copy of Dr. Seed's 42-page letter by clicking here.

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Tadpushy said...

Clearly Katrina and the mess that followed should be a wake up call for the entire country. From failed levees, to the all levels of governments failed responses, to an insurance industry that has literally failed to respond.
Dr. Seeds letter addresses the levees, but Katrina and the letter are really a metaphor for the entire infrastructure of this country.
The system is broken and needs to be fixed. In order to do that you need responsible people that care and want to do the job right.
The people of the Louisiana will decide who and how the levees will be fixed. You make that decision on the first tuesday of November 2008!
Ask the candidates, which do you want to rebuild, the Gulf Coast or Iraq.
Hint: I'd vote for the candidate who says the Gulf Coast.

Ana Maria Rosato said...

Ditto again, Tadpushy! Of course, something about cleaning up the messes we make goes straight back to my childhood. So, since the Bush Administration--in our good name--made the mess in Iraq, we'll need to clean that up as well.

To go back to your point, I agree whole heartedly that the post-Katrina government and insurance industry responses are major metaphors for all that has gone wrong under the Bush Administration. I'll add that the outpouring of volunteers and charitable contributions in post-Katrina represent all the best and the wonderful things that are here in our country as well.

Tadpushy, keep pushing!


Tadpushy said...

To paraphrase Colin Powell, you break it, you buy it.
Something tells me G.W. never cleaned up his room, now that he's grown up (what a nightmare thought) instead of leaving his room a mess he's expanded his horizions and is leaving the country a mess, actually, more like two thirds of the planet.
I'm not his biggest fan.